Tuesday, October 19, 2010


FROM JAMIE: AN OPEN WINDOW and a Red Head Girl ..... Every morning without a day missed you can see Tyler, a 16 year old red head girl, standing at the window of her playroom looking outside. The neighbors wave and say hello to her as they leave for work to begin their day. She has become a part of their day most every day.

Yes, its true – Tyler wakes up in the morning between 5:30am and 7:00 am and goes straight upstairs into her playroom, OPENS THE WINDOW and greets the world! One neighbor has moved and gone back to their home town in Missouri and no longer to be seen. I imagine Tyler misses their dogs that she liked to watch play out in their yard every morning. Not to fret though, they have been replaced with construction workers across the street – lol! The school buses drive by and pick up neighborhood kids and head to school. She stands at the window and watches for anything and everything that is going on in that moment. She doesn’t want to miss a thing. She loves to watch the trees and the wind so peacefully moving the branches. She greets the world when the sun is shining bright and when the morning is cloudy or rainy. Its just an OPEN WINDOW and she decides what she wants to see….

This daily routine of Tyler’s mornings has taught me a few things. Wouldn’t it be great if every single morning when we awoke we OPENED A WINDOW. We saw the world just as it is in that moment. We weren’t stressed about the day ahead. We dropped all worries. And just enjoyed the scenery and everything around us and felt the peacefulness that surrounds us. We could know that change is continuous, leaving room for new experiences. We can greet the world with a smile, a wave, a hello, a hug, an I love you, and so on ~ each and every day and not miss a day.
That, to me, is the best part of waking up .................

Love, Jamie

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