Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"My Life Has Changed Dramatically"

From Bears (Option Institute Co-Founder): Amazing Paige just completed the Grand Summer Sequence of Programs at the Option Institute and dramatically changed here life. What she says about her personal transformation and personal growth takes my breath away.

I am so happy and my life has changed dramatically!!! Before the Option Process and the Option Institute, I played the victim role and I never took ownership of anything. I always blamed the rain, the noise etc. Now, I take ownership of all of my feelings and am not afraid of being judged for my authenticity or my wants. Now, I realize that I cannot make someone react in any way, it is they themselves who reacts to my words or actions. That is such a beautiful thing. I am constantly dialoguing with myself and my two true friends. I lost a lot of the tissues out of the tissue box. If I feel unhappy and start judging myself I say "That is ok, Paige" and I dig deep inside myself and figure out what is stinging me.

Bears, my inside universe is now congruent with my outside universe and I thank you for giving me the tools to guide me to that place in my life. I love you, Bears!! Please share this with Samahria-she has a been a guiding force in my life as well!!

THANK YOU!!! Love, Paige

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