Sunday, August 9, 2009

Benevolent Universe

Calm Amid Chaos, Or, Using the Intelligrid from the Calm Amid Chaos program effectively and experiencing an immediate change in life.

Sweet People: Just received this amazing email from Dave...about his last Friday of this program at the Option Institute. This would be considered personal growth and empowerment done on attitudinal steroids. We are always honored and inspired to walk beside people and help them claim their biggest and best potential in the program we offer. Wow and wonderful.
Enjoy as the read below.

Dearest Bears,
I want to thank you for the wonderful, loving, humorous, ever curious way you were with me and the rest of the class last week. You left me always interested, always wanting more, even when experiencing the "extra love."

One of the things I shared with the class on the last day was that I feel the need to “sharpen the saw” in order to keep it effective, so I was thrilled to be presented with the most perfect opportunity to use all three pillars of the Intelligrid before I even left the campus on Friday. The taxi I had booked did not arrive for me as expected, and rather than seeing this through my usual eyes of anger and frustration, I found myself embracing the change, even if it meant I might miss my flight. I met two wonderful volunteers in the office, and for the first time I truly saw the benevolent universe, in them and the perfect driver they helped me find. He was able to help me relax into the journey, with hope that I would arrive on time, but with a completely calm and relaxed feeling that if I didn’t it would still end up with something equally perfect.

I managed to catch that flight OK, but then my flight from Toronto got as far as 2 hours out and had to turn back to Toronto due to an instrument failure. Again, the grid kicked in, and even though we had no idea when we would get to London, while we were waiting on the tarmac for the repairs, the plane was a happy place and I had a great time meeting some new and interesting people.

The universe definitely seemed benevolent for me today.

I can feel that saw getting sharper already.

Thank you again,


PS: Check out the Calm Amid Chaos CD -- it will give you a handle on these principles so you can start using them now. Go on, click on Videos, Etc., then Audio/CD's.

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