Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Most Important Thing

What is your Most Important Thing?  Is there one thing? One thing, above everything else, that is
most important to you?  What is it?  Is it something external, outside yourself, like for your child to be happy, or for that certain person to love you, or for your favorite sports team to win it all?
If so, ah, you are setting yourself up to be so disappointed, and putting your comfort and happiness in the hands of others. I call it disempowerment. Or, on a day-to-day basis, does your target change, does the most important thing change with the weather, do you do the shimmy-sha-wobble? 

If your Most Important Thing is an internal state of being, then for my money you are on it! It's where your ownership lies. It's where your power is.  It is where you are in control.   It's a sure thing, because it is what you give to yourself. Once you grok this, what a treat to think about, ok, what do I want to create for my MOST IMPORTANT THING, that only I, in the whole entire universe, can give me. Hmmm,
what do I want?  You might call it Self-confidence, or rock solid self-assurance, or maybe self-acceptance, or happy with who I am.  I call it loving myself. I just typed that sentence and I smiled. 

What ever you call it, when you are there, you know it. 

So, what is your Most Important Thing?

Check out Inner Strength at The Option Institute, July 15-27

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