Wednesday, June 29, 2011

From Bears (Barry Neil Kaufman): Love

Love in a relationship is choosing to be happy with another person; letting go of judgments. Love is about completing ourselves vs. asking the other person to complete us. Love is about taking responsibilities for our own thoughts, feelings and actions (not blaming the other person). Love is about celebrating your own blessing to be with this other person who you have chosen among an endless number of possibilities.


Katy M. - the most amazing description of love ever! :-)

Melody-Rose P. - Bears, in our ministry we teach that Holy Spirit is a role model of how to be in relationship with everything. Holy Spirit observes what is going on in our lives, with complete allowance, acceptance, and unconditional love. To be truly seen... and loved is a valuable gift, and one that everyone can choose.

Glad to be in touch with you. Your teachings are awesome!

Susan G. - How beautiful, Bears! Thanks for sharing such beautiful thoughts. Love is unconditional acceptance.

Sonika T. - Yes! Love is granting space to people to exist, as is. Being in a mood of wonder and acceptance as we engage with others and express ourselves is the most delightful experience we can share with another.

Helen C. - Wonderful, keep reminding us of the sanity of love Bears!

Rekha N. - Thank you Bears. I used to be so lost when it came to defining love. I adore the Option definition of love, it is so easy and transparent. Before Option I had learnt so many different versions; love was a set of chores or meeting expectations or buying flowers...the list was endless and bizarrely loving was the last thing I felt as I failed miserably! Thank you for the clarity and thank you for your generous love. Rekha.x

Diana F. - YES!! Very well put Bears!! I love it, I'm living it!! :-)

Susan G. - "Love is touching souls." —Joni Mitchell

Alison S. T. - Therefore, love is all about me and what I am bringing to life and not about what someone else can do. It is the ultimate independence which seems ironic that by providing for myself everything I want from love, that actually I can be more loving. But how cool is that, to come to relationships from a place of completness rather than to come feeling needy.

Eva P. - And then, from being complete, rather than needy, the other person feels more comfortable around you because they know you r with them because you WANT to be, not because they need things from you. Making less expectations, and so a relaxed environment where you know you can be completely yourself.

Eva P. - *not because you need things from them*

Kim W. - I love this description of love. I have experienced (and continue to experience) this love and how sweet it is! Thank you for this description and for introducing me, through your teachings, to a version of love that I can do!

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